Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)


raics wrote:


DarkJen wrote:

Its just an another layer of randomeness.

Technically, it isn't. Let's say you have two 1/100 rolls, when they're layered you have to roll both so your chances are lower, and when they're separate your chances are higher.

Sure, it's very random, but you have some degree of control over the process. And it's a different kind of crafting, when crafting we usually go for some specific result, with rog you don't really know what you're going to get and I think that's what makes it fun. When you aren't going for something specific you aren't actively 'working' on something, so you don't care if the craft fails and mats are plentiful enough not to care about them either, you're just playing around.
And we probably shouldn't pretend there's no place in poe for items that aren't for your current character, there is, both in trade and ssf.

I cannot call crafting when you close your eyes and slam stuff. Tho its perfect definition of insanity xD

Also, I just read somewhere.. "It’s not really deterministic, more brute force. You steam roll over the failures with the power of wealth instead of finessing them with smart choices"

But we are offtopic, sry OP

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 12:41:07 AM

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It is what it is, I don't like it either. I don't like that slamming either even if it sometimes end up miraculously working. But in this particular case I would much rather have the option to endlessly spam the crafting options until I either get the result I want or I end with no crafting materials so to say. Current state is much like Harvest now, you either jackpot or you walk past by and don't bother with it.

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (4)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 5:14:06 AM

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DarkJen wrote:


vio wrote:


raics wrote:

I'd second that, pretty great league mechanic barring a few nitpicks like shard bloat. Ritual had control over rewards and ultimatum had controls over difficulty, expedition has both, plus interesting npcs, plus bosses. And it's rewarding too, selling rog crafts has probably been my premier source of income.

yep. and rog is a pretty genious solution to cover and control harvest crafts.


Its just an another layer of randomeness.

what do you think is appropriate? giving players the option to increase the tier of individual affixes of gear they provide themselves?

i mean we never had this option before.

age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (10)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 9:42:24 AM

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vio wrote:

what do you think is appropriate? giving players the option to increase the tier of individual affixes of gear they provide themselves?

i mean we never had this option before.

And then reroll those affixes without any options? lol
Not even speaking about non ability to insert a needed item there.

No choice.
No influence.
No reason to call it crafting.

Just a railway "press button to proceed", exactly like in slot machine stuff.

Yes we never had this option, like no maven orb exist.
And this one is rng slot machine too..

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (14)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 9:53:37 AM

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DarkJen wrote:

And then reroll those affixes without any options? lol

just skip the reroll step.


DarkJen wrote:

Not even speaking about non ability to insert a needed item there.

you can choose between item types and since you can reroll affix groups you just have to watch out for the proper base.


DarkJen wrote:

No influence.

the option to add influence to the item is amazing, never been able to do that before. (i know what you mean though).


DarkJen wrote:

No choice.
No influence.
No reason to call it crafting.

there is a random factor to it but eventually the whole crafting process is more overpowered than harvest and needs to be removed asap.

why? because there is no time/skill requirement before adding those crafting options. and they're much more accessible than harvest has been.

rog is worse than harvest and a good motivator to play hard mode or ssf. they make it much too easy for players.

depends on everyone's expectations towards the game. i just think handing out free maven orbs/exalteds/free prefix/suffix removal, divine orbs for average players isn't good.
you think it's too low, they should let you edit the item directly or something.

age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (17)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 10:03:41 AM

Alpha Member

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vio wrote:


DarkJen wrote:

And then reroll those affixes without any options? lol

just skip the reroll step.

Sure, last few times it was grayed out.
So not had a choice to skip.


vio wrote:

there is a random factor to it but eventually the whole crafting process is more overpowered than harvest and needs to be removed asap.

why? because there is no time/skill requirement before adding those crafting options. and they're much more accessible than harvest has been.

In this I can agree. It all just feels bad and nonreevent to whats player may need. Ian I better want it to be removed, than to continue to provide a further uncovenience and splinter clutter.

Tho in current "crafting" no need skill requirement too.
Small example:

I need to craft a ring from this

with +minion speed +minion dmg +life flat +res +dex
So, I was bying out top Essence of Fear, spent ton chaos on this, best luck I had is one Im wearing so far

You can see how many trash and unneeded mods it have..
And Im not speaking about huge prohibitive annoyance in buying out essences..
This all is just a big waste so far, as it feels.

Just an example.
And I need 2 of those rings.

No any Rog can help me with that, you know!
He is just a side, non-relevant gambling gimmick for many builds in game.

Last edited by DarkJen on Aug 22, 2021, 10:26:15 AM

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (21)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 10:22:03 AM

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stalkingjackal wrote:


SingThisCorrosion wrote:

Sorry but this league is the least fun for me, I even had more fun on Ultimatum than this bs league where on top of all that the rewards from league are pure garbage considering the amount of difficulty and time it takes.

Yes because brainlessly spamming attacks and running in circles is clearly more 'fun' than planning an encounter & reading a few mods for half a minute.

Expedition is one of the best leagues GGG has ever made, because its YOU who completely controls the difficulty & rewards of the encounter. It drives me nuts to see people complaining about this. Next time if you think they are unkillable, do this - place explosives on all the chests and exclude every single remnant. You'll get a few less items but that's the price you pay if you don't like to read stuff.

it actual is more fun, I don't play games to read all fkn day, i can do that when I work. There are to many type of mods and the encounters are allready a huge break to mapping, so yes, less reading more killing less stupid mods

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (24)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 10:38:39 AM

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Shadeless01 wrote:

it actual is more fun, I don't play games to read all fkn day, i can do that when I work. There are to many type of mods and the encounters are allready a huge break to mapping, so yes, less reading more killing less stupid mods

Well luckily, GGG had the foresight to design Expedition so that you can easily avoid the nodes if you can't read them. Just move the blast zone over, and you don't have to worry about sentences, words, letters and text and all that other stuff. Complete literary avoidance!

Also, the creatures will be overall-easier, so you can get back to running around blowing things up faster.

Win/win for everybody in my opinion. I really do like having the freedom to make things as easy or dangerous as you like. I approve of this design paradigm.

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (32)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 1:53:35 PM

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Well somebody's killin them.

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (56)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 1:56:30 PM

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DarkJen wrote:


vio wrote:


DarkJen wrote:

And then reroll those affixes without any options? lol

just skip the reroll step.

Sure, last few times it was grayed out.
So not had a choice to skip.


vio wrote:

there is a random factor to it but eventually the whole crafting process is more overpowered than harvest and needs to be removed asap.

why? because there is no time/skill requirement before adding those crafting options. and they're much more accessible than harvest has been.

In this I can agree. It all just feels bad and nonreevent to whats player may need. Ian I better want it to be removed, than to continue to provide a further uncovenience and splinter clutter.

Tho in current "crafting" no need skill requirement too.
Small example:

I need to craft a ring from this

with +minion speed +minion dmg +life flat +res +dex
So, I was bying out top Essence of Fear, spent ton chaos on this, best luck I had is one Im wearing so far

You can see how many trash and unneeded mods it have..
And Im not speaking about huge prohibitive annoyance in buying out essences..
This all is just a big waste so far, as it feels.

Just an example.
And I need 2 of those rings.

No any Rog can help me with that, you know!
He is just a side, non-relevant gambling gimmick for many builds in game.

This is how I feel both on Rog's craft and on every other craft and items drop.
The fact that high ilvl items can still roll stats on their lower tier and the fact that we don't have any non-super expensive and potentially item breaking way of removing an affix (other than bestcrafting and potential luck on harvest but I haven't encountered thesse in a long time) makes gearing too expensive to just add those extra minion damage and speed which isn't really that game breaking, you just want the other stats to not be complete trash.

Crafting has always been in a complicated spot in this game. The materials you need to craft decent to good items are exalted orbs, you need at least 4 or 5 of them and they are very hard to aquire. You will still end up with an item with 3 good crafted mods tops which is far weaker than a decent rolled drop with a single craft on it.

Problem is, bad rolls and useless stats are more common even when fossil blocking or using harvest craft than good ones. Game is completely balanced on you having good gear for red mapping which isn't really endgame yet.

I am not saying drops should be like in Diablo 3 where your screen gets filled with explosions of useless legendary items to salvage, but at least having an easy option to reroll on stat on the item to another of a choice like enchantress or make mods roll only certain tiers depending on ilvl, having the highest tier on ilvl88 only.

Feedback and Suggestions - Runic monsters unkillable - Forum - Path of Exile (64)

Posted by
on Aug 22, 2021, 7:03:58 PM

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